Reply To: Trainer Monitored Discussion – Observing and documenting a child’s development

  • Cynthia

    September 5, 2024 at 7:57 pm

    Observing is very important for providers because it helps them understand each child individually and what they need to support them. Some children might need more support than others, but is always good to observe them to understand if there is something that they need to improve on. Documenting those observations can help with future curriculum changes, there is a possibility that some children have the same problem and these observations can help with going back to a possible solution. Of course, not every child is the same, so having multiple solutions to support and help the providers. To observe if there is something bothering them, if there is a problem, if they want to try something new. There are many possibilities, so observing and then conversing can also help understanding them better and create a curriculum for them.