Reply To: Trainer Monitored Discussion – Diversity and Colloboration

  • kit

    December 28, 2022 at 10:59 pm

    When a child notices they feel like an outlier, it can be extremely intimidating, if not overwhelming. Not only through encouragement, but being an example to children is crucial for their development and understanding. Differences are not only accepted, but beautiful. The differences between species of trees or colors amongst families of fruit is something minor that represents the beauty found in nature because of the variation. But just like nature, people are different as well. We all share the same human existence, but through different lens, which is powerful and inspiring. Carrying this confidently through interactions with children is powerful, and I think it can allow for them to become more accepting of themselves amongst the changing environment. When kids embrace this message, their purity and beauty radiates, and they can carry this throughout their entire lives. There is a multitude of activities to practice how this looks, but being an example is the first step to creating this positive impact.