Reply To: Expectations from your child's provider

  • Ashley Russell

    January 10, 2023 at 9:47 pm

    1. I would want my children to have child care providers that were sensitive and kind, creating an environment where they felt safe and comfortable to speak their feelings as well as feeling safe to ask for help where they needed it. I’d want providers who were sensitive and kind with their approach to teaching, meaning they never use harsh language or negativity to achieve certain outcomes from my children. I want a provider that gives positive reinforcement and makes learning fun for my kids.

    2. My biggest fears would be the exact opposite. I grew up with abusive teachers and my biggest fear is not only my child, but ANY child having a teacher like I did. He was cruel and mean, he was cold and calculating. He used fear as a tactic to get me to behave a certain way. This is NOT how children should be minded.