Reply To: Role of families as primary educators

  • ashley-eden

    May 30, 2021 at 9:46 pm

    – Families are the primary educators of their children because they are with them constantly! Many children have not been in our care since birth, and children will grow older than we care for and remain with their families. They create the world their child lives in, control the words they hear and things they see and experiences they’ve shared!- Childcare providers can support families in this role by helping them to understand it themselves, but also by providing whatever observation or assistance is necessary when requested (within reason. Sharing your observations daily and of any developments you might have noticed can help indicate to them what the next developmental step might be so that they can begin to prime it and foster it in the child’s learning.3- Supporting families is a great way to build a healthy trust and strong communication! All of these are in the best interest of the child, and can easily smooth over bumps or even bring efficiency to development!