How to approach a parent about developmental screening of their child?

  • Dawnette

    May 26, 2023 at 9:55 pm

    What are some good ways to approach a parent about the developmental screening of their child?

    Some great way are to have a ready script. Knowing what you are wanting to say will help things go smoother. speak with concern not in a way that the parent will take offense. If you have a suggested plan then reassure the parents that you are there to help their child and how you plan to do so.

  • Kathy

    May 28, 2023 at 9:10 pm

    It’s important to start out by sharing the “glows” or positive aspects of the child and their development. It is also critical to be objective in sharing how you came to this conclusion, and having a lot of supportive reasoning to back your discussion.

  • isabella bates

    May 30, 2023 at 5:01 am

    Definitely make sure to know the correct terminology, and don’t be afraid to ask the supervisor for guidance and questions to ensure you communicate with the parents well and don’t miss anything!

  • Samantha

    May 31, 2023 at 9:19 pm

    Prepare yourself by getting the necessary documents to show the parents and writing a script to practice with your coworkers. I would also talk about both the child’s strengths and weaknesses to ease the tension and shed some light on the accomplishments. Then I would have a plan to help the child overcome their weaknesses and improve, and maybe mention some things to the parents to help the child at home too.

  • Jonah

    June 1, 2023 at 2:05 am

    I would start by preparing a script of what I am going to say and rehearsing it with a coworker. I would want to first address the strengths of the child before transitioning into where I have noticed them struggling, all the while backing up by observations with detailed notes. I would want to have already familiarized myself with trusted professionals who can help the child overcome their struggle(s), to whom I can refer families if they accept help.

  • chrissy

    June 1, 2023 at 5:01 am

    I like to go prepared for questions that might get asked. I also like to use the “sandwich effect” It starts with a positive, then the “negative” and ends with a positive. This helps to create less of a negative feeling about the topic and allows for more insight

  • Kira

    June 2, 2023 at 4:30 pm

    Prepare clear and concrete examples to illustrate talking points. Have a script ready for what you are planning to say to the parents and ensure you’ve practiced responding to challenging responses and tough emotions from the parents.

  • Briana A

    June 5, 2023 at 8:47 pm

    Practicing with my coworkers with the information I want to convey to the family, I will bring up the importance of catching anything early helps the child so much. Sharing only documented and objective behaviors, school work, social interaction examples to best, “paint a picture” for the family. Supporting the family and student with providing this information and information for the further provide support. Also, preparing myself in case there is any questions, concerns, offense taken so I can properly to the best of my ability communicate what is needed to best support the child.

  • Hatai

    June 6, 2023 at 2:26 am

    Prepare yourself for the discussion by write it down on a paper, make a bullet points of what u want to say. Provide the family with documentation of your observations, and provide additional resources for the family is always helpful.

  • Emily

    June 8, 2023 at 5:23 pm

    Some good ways in approaching a parent about a referral is being open and honest. Letting them know that there is nothing wrong with their child and that we believe their child would benefit from this referral.

  • Gabrielle Stevens

    June 9, 2023 at 4:21 pm

    Good ways to approach a parent about a developmental screening of their child include preparing what to say ahead of time (with a coworker if possible), making sure your observations are objective not subjective, ensuring you are properly and effectively describing the circumstances, and having referrals to resources available ready for the parents.

  • Lina Israel

    June 9, 2023 at 6:01 pm

    It’s a very sensitive subject and your delivery is just as important as your message. The type of relationship you have with the parents also makes a difference in how you will discuss such a topic. Consider who the parents are by being aware of their communication style. Based off that prepare factual notes and try to stay positive when speaking to them. Allow for parents to feel how they want without getting defensive and staying patient.

  • Alison

    June 10, 2023 at 8:27 pm

    I would talk with a coworker see if they have noticed the same thing and then go over what to say to the parents. along with give the parents documentation of my observations and talk to them about the next step.

  • Bryan

    June 12, 2023 at 7:32 am

    I would have notes ready to tell the parents about observations of their kids and proper information to discuss about

  • Lily

    June 12, 2023 at 1:26 pm

    When approaching a parent about the developmental screening of their child, it’s important to be respectful, sensitive, and informative. Here are some good ways to approach the conversation:

    1. Establish a positive and supportive tone: Begin by expressing your genuine care for the child’s well-being and highlight that the developmental screening is a routine part of ensuring their healthy growth.

    2. Provide information: Educate the parent about the purpose and benefits of developmental screening, emphasizing that it helps identify strengths and areas where additional support can be provided. Explain that it is a valuable tool to track their child’s progress and address any potential developmental concerns early on.

    3. Address any concerns or questions: Encourage open dialogue by asking if the parent has any questions or concerns regarding their child’s development. Listen attentively, provide accurate information, and offer reassurance when needed.

    4. Emphasize collaboration: Highlight that the developmental screening is a collaborative effort between the parent, caregiver, and healthcare professionals. Assure them that their input and observations about their child are highly valued and play a significant role in the screening process.

    5. Offer resources and support: Provide the parent with resources such as brochures, websites, or contact information for early intervention programs or professionals who can further support their child’s development. Assure them that you are available to address any additional questions or concerns they may have.

    Remember, approaching the conversation with empathy, respect, and a focus on collaboration will help create a supportive environment and foster a positive relationship with the parent as you discuss the developmental screening of their child.

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