Positive relationships with families.

  • Personal

    December 3, 2022 at 7:59 pm

    My advice will be to start with a kind and respectful relationship, maintain open communication and be careful with your choice of words when bringing up an issue (always start with positive feedback and bring concerns always with kindness). Childcare providers should maintain empathy but make sure to advocate for the child’s need. It is essential to work together with families since both of you want the best outcome for the child.

  • Haley

    December 10, 2022 at 11:21 pm

    Constant communication is key and making sure to keep everything positive and respectful. Parents love to hear how their child is doing and so giving updates can be helpful.

  • Jailee

    December 14, 2022 at 8:15 pm

    I think it is important to enter each discussion with families with positivity and the focus of benefiting the child. Having open discussions with the parents and clearly listening to their point of view, and instead of any arguing calmly discussing your point of view. This way discussions are collaborative and help build further trust between provider and caregiver.

  • Caitlyn

    December 14, 2022 at 11:03 pm

    Developing trust from the beginning by showing interest in the family and who is involved in the child’s life and showing that you are paying attention and care about the child’s best interests, development and how you can support both the child and the goals of the family.

  • Ella

    December 15, 2022 at 12:49 am

    My advice for creating and maintaining a relationship with parents is to be open with them, talk to them every time they drop off and pick up their kid and tell them what their kid did during class that day. Talking to them and being genuine when their kid does something wrong and always care for their child.

    • Jamie

      December 15, 2022 at 5:07 pm

      Talking to each parent every day is an impossible task. You may be busy or they may be in a hurry to get someplace else. Let parents know that you are always interested in discussing their child and will make time when they or you would like to have a conversation.

  • Alyssa

    December 15, 2022 at 9:14 pm

    I think open communication goes along way when building partnership with a child’s family. Ask questions, but listen to concerns and preferences as well.

  • Meghan

    December 16, 2022 at 6:26 pm

    My advice is to keep non judgmental communication open with families

  • Kiley Kaye

    December 18, 2022 at 5:40 am

    I think it’s most important to establish a really open and honest communication style with the parents immediately. I prefer to tell them on the first day of meeting them that it is my responsibility to sometimes be the first person to spot something wrong with their children, and then act upon my observation to inform them and help them take the necessary steps forward. I also like to let them know that I have nothing but their children’s best interest in mind, and respect them as the foremost care givers and influencers of their child.

  • Ellie

    December 18, 2022 at 8:37 am

    Stay in touch and regularly communicate with families. Stay updated on what may be happening in their home, and schedule conferences when possible, to create goals for the schoolyear and negotiate any conflicting views.

  • Maya

    December 18, 2022 at 7:29 pm

    Really you need to make sure that you are in communication always with the parents or families. You need to make sure that not all bad things are going home it must be for good things as well to make sure that the families understand that you care about their child and that you have fond memories and want the best for their child. We also expect that from parents as well good communication and working with us so we can succeed in helping the child as best as they can you know talking to the parents after school or before school maybe having a meeting with them see what they need from you see if they can help you in anyway or we can help them. It just creates a more special bond.

  • Amber

    December 19, 2022 at 5:29 pm

    I really like the 10:1 method when maintaining a relationship with families. you share ten good things happening with their child, for every bad thing. For every conflict or difficulty, you address many things they have done well.

  • melissa

    December 19, 2022 at 11:46 pm

    By supporting each other along the way. Connecting families to other families and letting families know the services available so they can choose the most appropriate resources.

  • maria

    December 20, 2022 at 5:34 am

    What is your advice for creating and maintaining a good partnership between parents and childcare providers?

    I have built good relationships by simply asking about their day, and sharing my personal life with connection to them. For example we shared funny stories about we had planned to do on our snow days and funny stories about their child. We welcome everyone on campus and I try to learn everyone’s first name so I can greet them correctly.

  • Scion

    December 23, 2022 at 12:11 am

    My advice would be to remember to be objective and not subjective about the situation. Don’t read into tones or attitudes or intentions that are likely not even there. You are there as the professional and are expected to act as such. I always give most of the ‘floor’ to the parents/ family members, and let them do most of the talking while I merely just listen and try to be as affirming and helpful as possible. This all, of course, is coming from someone who is only a Center Aide, and I have been told to bring all conflict and issues to my lead teacher or director whenever possible. So more than anything, just be level-headed, polite, understanding, and open-minded to what the parents/family members have to say. They have so much more on their plates and going on in their lives than we could imagine, and we need to be there to support them! Not to solve all their life’s problems so to speak, but to provide input and aid.

  • Brienne

    December 23, 2022 at 9:20 pm

    Have good communication skills and be strong with it, be open-minded and respectful at all times as well as professional

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