What would you do?

  • What would you do?

    Posted by Ramsey Graham on September 2, 2022 at 2:47 pm

    What would you do?

    Scenario 1: You just got hired at Director at ABC childcare. The last director left quickly and as you walk into the room, you notice four large boxes of records on the floor. Some of the records date back seven years. What would you do?

    A) Contact the licensor and confirm where this agency is according to compliance.

    B) Organize the files from newest to oldest, to ensure the up to date information is all correct.

    C) I read that some records need to be kept for 5 years and available for review. I would hold these files in a secure place until I was sure they are no longer needed.

    Scenario 2: There has been a water line break in your center and it damaged some records from the kitchen. The snack menus have been partially destroyed. You notice some menus are from two years ago, others are from one month ago. Which records do you save?

    A) WAC 110-300-0185 Must supply dated menus. I would expect them to up to date.

    B) Have on site copies of meal and snack menus for a minimum of six months. So the 2 year old ones can be tossed.

    C) After fixing the water leak, it’s a good time to make a new menu or use one that is within the time allowed.

    Scenario 3: You are the assistant teacher in a preschool classroom. You are cramped on space and need to shred some documents. You decide the 2006 attendance records are ones you can shred. A colleague questions your decision. What do you do?

    A) You are an Assistant Teacher, why are those records in your room???

    B) Your administrator can choose to destroy those records because they are older than 5 years.

    hello replied 7 months, 2 weeks ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • banchalem

    May 26, 2023 at 5:29 pm

    There has been a water line break in your center and it damaged some records from the kitchen. The snack menus have been partially destroyed. You notice some menus are from two years ago, others are from one month ago. Which records do you save?There has been a water line break in your center and it damaged some records from the kitchen. The snack menus have been partially destroyed. You notice some menus are from two years ago, others are from one month ago. Which records do you save?

  • hello

    September 19, 2023 at 1:14 am

    can you please answer the questions

Reply to: Ramsey Graham
What would you do? Scenario 1: You just got hir…
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