Trainer Monitored Discussion – Diversity and Colloboration

  • Trainer Monitored Discussion – Diversity and Colloboration

    Posted by Jamie on August 12, 2022 at 8:48 pm

    What messages do the WACs convey regarding diversity and collaboration?

    Nizhoni replied 16 hours, 15 minutes ago 198 Members · 555 Replies
  • 555 Replies
  • Kelsee Flawless

    August 12, 2022 at 8:48 pm

    How would I welcome a child into class, help to celebrate their unique differences and help other children welcome and get to know this child?


    I would have the child introduce themselves and share about their family, where they have come from, special foods they eat and even traditions they practice at home. I would make sure to include representative materials throughout the classroom and in the lesson plans and class activities. This includes books about the culture, picture books with characters that represent the student and their culture, talk about how different cultures are something to be celebrated and welcomed. Depending on age of students maybe talk about foods or music from that culture and bring a food from that culture and play music from that culture. Other children could welcome and get to know this child by including them in play and other activities as well as ask questions to have better understanding such as learning basic words in that language or even what it is like living in another part of the world.

    • Kithana

      January 10, 2024 at 3:16 am

      The WACs addressing diversity and family collaboration are as follows:

      1. Washington Administrative Code 110-300-0100: Collaboration with families and communities.

      2. WAC 110-300-0200: Cultural diversity must be respected.

      These WACs’ main messages are about valuing other cultures, including families in their children’s education, and building partnerships between programs and families to assist children’s learning.

  • Cassidy S

    August 25, 2022 at 10:19 pm

    If I were welcoming a child to the classroom and to the community I would have them make an all about me page or bring in something that means a lot to them from their home that they’ve moved away from. I’d foster discussions in the class about everyone’s favorite foods or holidays, looking into music and kids learning shows or tools from the country the child has emigrated from to help enrich everyone’s learning experience and understanding of the world without having the child feel singled out in a stressful way. Finding things we all have in common that still highlight our important and unique differences is a good way to be open to the merging of understanding so talking about the meals we’ve all had throughout the day or favorite flavors of food or favorite animals. Any small commonality can be used in the foundation of friendship and acceptance of all.If I were welcoming a child to the classroom and to the community I would have them make an all about me page or bring in something that means a lot to them from their home that they’ve moved away from. I’d foster discussions in the class about everyone’s favorite foods or holidays, looking into music and kids learning shows or tools from the country the child has emigrated from to help enrich everyone’s learning experience and understanding of the world without having the child feel singled out in a stressful way. Finding things we all have in common that still highlight our important and unique differences is a good way to be open to the merging of understanding so talking about the meals we’ve all had throughout the day or favorite flavors of food or favorite animals. Any small commonality can be used in the foundation of friendship and acceptance of all.

  • Ramsey Graham

    September 2, 2022 at 3:44 pm

    In handout 2 there are many examples of how diverse all children are. One missing that has been the focus of my life, are children in the fostercare system. You may have a child who doesn’t know their history. Who can’t answer those simple school projects of the Family Tree. They are often lacking in many of the identifying factors you may use to ‘get to know’ a child. You learn to stay in the moment. Asking open ended questions that ‘I don’t know’ is an acceptable answer.

  • Ramsey Graham

    September 2, 2022 at 4:05 pm

    I enjoyed the response and all of the activities this teacher would do. Finding the commonalities is a wonderful relationship builder. I would also Not assume the child spoke any English. So finding music in their language and books with words they may know. I would also have a well developed PEC- Picture communication system available. So that this student can be communicated to quickly. Being able to share that the are hungry, need to toilet or scared, in a way that doesn’t bring lots of attention to them.

    • Jamie

      October 18, 2022 at 3:52 pm

      Really good points about how some children may not be able to contribute information in the expected format. Helping the child reveal who they are by example and other methods is an excellent way to build relationships.

  • Cindy

    September 11, 2022 at 10:24 pm

    Creating an About Me/My Family Poster for the classroom offers each child to share what is unique about them with others. It also allows them to see similarities they may share with others in the classroom.

  • Nahomi

    October 8, 2022 at 9:18 pm

    WAC 110-300-0160 states that early childcare providers must provide learning opportunities that are culturally/ racially diverse in their curriculums, activities, and materials. That includes things around the classroom that don’t reinforce stereotypes, diverse music, and intervening when biased behavior is displayed.

  • Jamie

    October 9, 2022 at 3:00 pm

    Just a note for thought: Each family you interact with is going to have a different idea of what is appropriate and inappropriate. It is best to work to build trust with the families in your care so that they know you are indeed working to have a diverse curriculum for their children.

  • Alisha

    October 9, 2022 at 11:54 pm

    According to WAC 100-300-0160 it states that early learning providers must provide culturally and racially diverse learning opportunities through their curriculum activities and materials that represents the kids along with their family and staff. Some of these materials may include diverse dolls, diverse music and so on.

  • Anna

    October 11, 2022 at 7:24 pm

    For the questions on the WAC and diversity: 110-300-0160, and to a lesser extent 110-300-0320, 110-300-0325 address diversity and acceptance in the classroom, while 110-300-0085 addresses collaboration and communication with families, including incorporation of diversity. The big messages are that all children must feel represented and accepted in the classroom, and incorporating the cultural practices of their home lives helps them to learn and develop in the classroom as well.

  • Chelsea Brown

    October 12, 2022 at 6:24 pm

    WAC 100-300-0160 States that an early learning provider must provide culturally and racially diverse learning opportunities. Those opportunities must be demonstrated by the provider’s curriculum, activities, and materials that represent all children, families, and staff. Examples of diverse materials could be books, pictures, dolls, games, music, or pictures.

  • Ranjani

    October 12, 2022 at 11:55 pm

    I would welcome the child to introduce about their family and culture by speech or art or Me book kind of things. I would also include other language rhymes/ songs during the circle time like Good morning song, Friends songs.

  • Rachel

    October 15, 2022 at 11:31 pm
    1. Which WACs address diversity and collaboration with families? 110-300-0160, 110-300-0320 addresses diversity while 110-300-0085 addresses collaboration with families.
    2. What big messages do the WACs give regarding diversity and collaboration? The big message is that when you include practices in the classroom related to their culture it will show them that they are represented and appreciated there which will also make them want to participate more.
  • Taylor

    October 17, 2022 at 4:26 am

    WAC 110-300-0160 addresses diversity and WAC 110-300-0085 addresses communication and collaboration with families.

    The WACs emphasize on the importance of diversity and acceptance and how early learning providers must create a welcoming and culturally inclusive environment.

  • abby

    October 17, 2022 at 5:22 pm

    How would I welcome a child into class, help to celebrate their unique differences and help other children welcome and get to know this child? I would encourage them to make a poster or anything that represents who they are and where they come from. I would encourage them to be proud of who they are and make them feel comfortable. I believe encouraging parents to be involved in activities like this would actually help the child feel more welcomed and comfortable. explain that being different is actually a good thing that we should all embrace.

  • jess

    October 21, 2022 at 4:01 am

    WAC 110-300-0160 states that early childcare providers must provide learning opportunities that are culturally/ racially diverse in their curriculums, activities, and materials. That includes things around the classroom that don’t reinforce stereotypes, diverse music, and intervening when biased behavior is displayed.WAC 110-300-0160 states that early childcare providers must provide learning opportunities that are culturally/ racially diverse in their curriculums, activities, and materials. That includes things around the classroom that don’t reinforce stereotypes, diverse music, and intervening when biased behavior is displayed.

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