Trainer Monitored Discussion – Diversity and Colloboration

  • Krista

    January 29, 2023 at 2:31 am

    The differences in culture and traditions should be welcomed and explored so as to share with all the uniqueness of each child and family.

  • Krista

    January 29, 2023 at 2:33 am

    This is found in WAC 110-300-0160

  • Jasmin

    January 30, 2023 at 5:00 am

    For the questions on the WAC and diversity: 110-300-0160, and to a lesser extent 110-300-0320,110-300-0325 address diversity and acceptance in the classroom, while 110-300-0085 addresses collaboration and communication with families, including incorporation of diversity. All children must feel represented and accepted in the classroom, and incorporating the cultural practices of their home lives helps them to learn and develop in the classroom as well.

    • Jamie

      January 30, 2023 at 4:33 pm

      Great research.

  • Emerald

    January 30, 2023 at 9:20 pm

    WAC 110-300-0160 addresses diversity while WAC 110-300-0085 addresses collaboration with families.

    The big messages that these WACs give regarding diversity and collaboration is the promotion of acceptance of the differences that make us all unique within the children we care for and the families they come from as well as keeping the guardians informed and involved as the main provider of their child(ren).

  • Shawnee

    January 30, 2023 at 11:06 pm

    The WACs that adresses diversity are 110-300-0160, 110-300-320 and 110-300-0085 adresses collaboration with families.

    The big messages that WAC includes is that if you include practices of their culture it will show that they are included and want to particiapte. Teaching/ information about different cultures will also help makes childrent fill inculded and show that there are other cultures out there but everyone is similar and should be treated equal.

  • glaiza

    January 31, 2023 at 8:51 pm

    The big messages in the WACs regarding diversity and collaboration with families emphasize the importance of understanding and appreciating the unique cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives of all families, and promoting partnerships that support children’s learning and development.

  • Catlyn

    February 1, 2023 at 3:23 am

    This WAC talks about diversity and working with family.

    WAC 110-300-0330

    1. An early learning provider must work to maintain positive relationships with children by using consistent guidance techniques to help children learn. Guidance techniques must adapt an early learning program’s environment, routines, and activities to a child’s strengths, developmental level, abilities, culture, community, and relate to the child’s behavior.

    The WAC gives a big message about diversity and collaboration because it speaks about how the environment and the routines of the classroom have to include diversity and the cultures of the people.

  • Nicole

    February 2, 2023 at 2:42 am

    Cultural diversity must be included in learning opportunities for all ages, cultural respect and sensitivity should be displayed in interactions with all families and children. Materials must not show a cultural bias, and diversity must also be present in toys and dolls on site.

    • Jamie

      February 15, 2023 at 4:35 pm

      Respect is a key ingredient for all child care providers.

  • Kirby

    February 2, 2023 at 11:16 pm

    In WAC 110-300-0160 it says that all books, toys, games, and music should be diverse and not enforce stereotypes. There’s also WAC 110-300-0030 which states that early learning programs must not discriminate.

  • Shalom

    February 3, 2023 at 5:00 pm
    1. Which WACs address diversity and collaboration with families? WAC 110-300-0030 addresses non discrimination laws and implements the standard that everyone is equal no matter age, religion, culture, race, gender, and more. We should always make every effort to include families and the child into the classroom right away and make them feel at home and welcome. WAC 110-300-0085 focuses on making a strong bond and connection with the family.
    2. What big messages do the WACs give regarding diversity and collaboration? WAC 110-300-0065 goes over the importance of school readiness and family engagement activities. WAC 110-300-0030, as mentioned above, regards the laws on non discrimination and equal rights.

  • Katie

    February 3, 2023 at 6:33 pm
    1. Which WACs address diversity and collaboration with families? What big messages do the WACs give regarding diversity and collaboration? WAC 110-300-0160 talks about providing a diverse and inclusive learning environment for the children through books, toys, music, etc. WAC 110-300-0085 includes instruction on communicating with families and making sure that the child’s needs are being met at home and while in our care. It’s important to have the same focus of cultural exposer/enrichment when they are surrounded by children of all types of backgrounds. It is a great opportunity to learn about cultural appreciation.

  • Zoe

    February 4, 2023 at 6:53 pm
    1. Which WACs address diversity and collaboration with families? WAC 110-300-0085 and WAC 110-300-0160
    2. What big messages do the WACs give regarding diversity and collaboration? I think a big message from WAC 110-300-0085, is “An early learning provider must determine how the program can best accommodate each child’s individual characteristics, strengths, and needs. The provider must utilize the information in subsection (2) of this section and seek input from family members and staff familiar with a child’s behavior, developmental, and learning patterns.” i feel like this makes it less bias to think what your program can do to better the family and child. i think it will also show the family ‘we are on your side’. from WAC 110-300-0160 i think a big message is: An early learning provider must intervene appropriately to stop biased behavior displayed by children or adults including.
  • Emma

    February 6, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    The WAC that supports diversity and collaboration with families is WAC 110-300-160. This WAC states that early learning providers must provide diverse learning. This means culturally and racially diverse education by using different equipment that represents different cultures/race and being aware of bias.

  • Linda

    February 7, 2023 at 6:10 pm

    <font _mstmutation=”1″ _msttexthash=”22110556″ _msthash=”300″><font _mstmutation=”1″ _msttexthash=”22110556″ _msthash=”302″><font _mstmutation=”1″ _msttexthash=”41173795″ _msthash=”304″>contribuyen a Facilitar la colaboración cooperacion unanime entre padres y profesionales en todos los niveles, desde la atención individual a la elaboración de programas / implementación y evaluación para la formulación de politica respetar y tolerar la diferencia ideales </font></font></font><font _mstmutation=”1″ _msttexthash=”527670″ _msthash=”307″>racial, cultural y social</font>

  • zoe

    February 7, 2023 at 11:03 pm

    WAC 110-300-0160 discusses promoting acceptance of diversity and states:

    An early learning provider must provide culturally and racially diverse learning opportunities. Diverse learning opportunities must be demonstrated by the provider’s curriculum, activities, and materials that represent all children, families, and staff.

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