Trainer Monitored Discussion- Get children engaged in meaningful learning

  • Briana A

    June 6, 2023 at 7:28 pm

    Trying to build a bridge of information from previous topics the class enjoyed, introduce the topic in a good mood, excited expression to the class. Ask the students about any information they could tell me about it, write our predictions and previous knowledge down with their names. Include the kids in the planning the best I can with options, locations, which day for what activity.

  • Hatai

    June 8, 2023 at 12:06 am

    We can ask them what is happening or what happens, we can ask their opinions or tell them facts asking questions about the world around them is extremely important in helping children to engage.

  • Emily

    June 8, 2023 at 5:43 pm

    Do things that they like to do and are interested in. While also promoting individuality and making sure that the child’s sensory needs are being met at all times.

  • Gabrielle Stevens

    June 9, 2023 at 6:11 pm

    It’s important to ensure kids are getting involved in critical thinking through thoughtful discussion question and making sure materials is for the right age group and can still be engaging and challenging. Encourage kids to discuss their ideas with classmates. Use group activities to encourage idea sharing and creativity.

  • Lina Israel

    June 10, 2023 at 5:36 am

    Hands on learning helps kids engage. Don’t just talk about something but show them through play. Let them try it out and have a chance to ask questions and have fun with whatever they are doing.

  • Lily

    June 12, 2023 at 1:44 pm

    One approach could be incorporating hands-on, sensory activities into our lessons. For example, we could set up a sensory bin with different textures and objects related to our topic of study. Another idea is to take learning outside of the classroom and explore nature. We can plan nature walks, scavenger hunts, or even set up a mini-garden for the children to care for. (with the tiny ones under 4, I like to do a caterpillar catch, where we take care of it in a bug catcher by giving it food, shade and water. And have the kids examine it as it grows into a butterfly. You can do the same thing but with a little plant inside)

  • Tess Swigart

    June 13, 2023 at 1:38 am

    I think that each child should be gotten to known individually, because then you can figure out specifically each child is interested in. Make sure to switch up games and activities, so they don’t get bored.

  • Batool

    June 16, 2023 at 6:25 am

    A creative way to get children engaged in learning about diversity and respecting each other’s differences is by having a day where the center has food and does activities that celebrate the culture of each child. This is a good way to welcome students who may have different cultures and backgrounds. You could teach a few words to the kids in the language used at home and maybe do some traditional dances or art to help celebrate the cultures of the students.A creative way to get children engaged in learning about diversity and respecting each other’s differences is by having a day where the center has food and does activities that celebrate the culture of each child. This is a good way to welcome students who may have different cultures and backgrounds. You could teach a few words to the kids in the language used at home and maybe do some traditional dances or art to help celebrate the cultures of the students.

  • Anika Walter

    June 17, 2023 at 5:19 pm

    Some creative ways to get children engaged in active, meaningful learning is to provide hands-on experiments. Having the children actively participate in activities like creating slime and making mini volcanoes helps the children become interested. Role-playing and dramatic play is another way to get children engaged in active learning.

  • Brooke Daniels

    June 18, 2023 at 3:02 am

    Some creative ways to get children engaged in active meaningful learning would be to read them an interactive book and act it out with props/dolls as you’re telling it. Not only would it keep children very entertained and excited about the story but it would also enhance their oral language skills, vocabulary and narrative understanding. Also, taking any lesson and making it into a fun game or dance always keeps children entertained such as singing the song “head, shoulders, knees and toes”, you are singing, learning the names of body parts and learning the location of each body part as you point to it.

  • Bryanna

    June 19, 2023 at 1:17 pm

    What are some creative ways to get children engaged in active, meaningful learning?

    Some creative ways to get children engaged in active, meaningful learning can include doing art projects, teaching them educational songs, reading to them, doing sensory activities, creating outdoor games, or doing fun dances.

  • Donika Saqipi

    June 21, 2023 at 7:14 pm

    I think asking questions about that the child is doing. If they are creating an art project ask what they are creating and why they are creating it. It shows you are interested in what they are doing which can keep them engaged.

  • Faith Musgrove

    June 23, 2023 at 1:29 am

    You should know what the children find interesting, and then create activities around that. For example, if the children are interested in insects, you could get books about insects, do art activities that have the children draw or create their own bug. You could also get some caterpillars, or an ant farm and the children could observe the changes in the insects.

  • Haerin

    June 23, 2023 at 4:27 am

    I think the key-point having children engaged is to do something they are interested in but also to be interested in what they are doing. If a child is doing painting and shows you the picture, instead of saying, “That looks great!” I’d say, “Oh, is that a painting of your family? What can you tell me about them, what are they doing in the painting?” and give them questions where we can actually have a conversation on.

  • SARA

    June 26, 2023 at 6:11 pm

    Art activities are the best way to engage children to learn, outdoor time is a good idea as well, specially in nature, we can teach them flower’s names, teach them bug’s names and their function in environment.

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