Screen time in childcare

  • Haerin

    February 7, 2023 at 1:27 am

    I feel like maybe 20-30 minutes of screen time once a week or two would be okay. Treat it as a special program day or something like that. But make sure it’s an interactive program that’s playing on the screen such as dancing along with the people in TV.

  • Shalom

    February 8, 2023 at 5:03 pm

    My thoughts on screen time for children is that very little is needed, and too much can be unhealthy. Actually, no screen time is NEEDED, however, there are things children can learn through developmentally appropriate educational videos. It is not good to have too much screen time because children should be getting creative and learning things and able to move around, so it could have bad affects especially if the content is not very closely monitored.

  • Stella Villa

    February 8, 2023 at 11:01 pm

    I believe screen time can be good for children and easy on those working with kids. However, screen time in childcare should only happen with discussion with the parents. If they are already providing the kids with their maximum screen time, providing them with more could be detrimental to kids.

    I believe more research should be done into screen time before making it a normal in childcare facilities.

  • Kirby

    February 9, 2023 at 9:06 pm

    I think screens should be limited in childcare. Although for school age children I’m sure the occasional educational video in class isn’t a problem.

  • Tammy

    February 10, 2023 at 4:08 am

    Screentime can be educational. We use it to listen and dance to songs. It helps with eye hand coordination.

  • Katie R.

    February 18, 2023 at 12:25 am

    I think it is perfectly attainable to have a screen-free learning environment for young children. They are going to be exposed to it everywhere else besides the classroom and I think it’s our job as teachers to find creative ways for them to learn besides on a screen. Perhaps for a special treat or a specific lesson it would be alright, but I wouldn’t personally use it as a daily learning tool.

  • Tatum

    February 19, 2023 at 6:41 am

    i definitely don’t think a ton of screen time is appropriate whether it is at a daycare or at home, for a child age 0-6. there are great educational videos out there for children to watch and (hopefully/maybe) learn from, but keep it a maximum 1 hour a day. i think children learn more with hands on activities and working with their peers rather than watching someone on a video do something.

    • Jamie

      March 9, 2023 at 6:39 pm

      I always tell providers that any screen time must be an addition to the lesson, not the lesson itself. Limit to a few minutes and then interact with the children.

  • Zoe

    February 20, 2023 at 9:21 pm

    i think about how it affects us as adults and think about how i don’t want my children to be so attached dependent to a electronic. i also think about the kinds who have a pad Infront of them 24/7 and think about how it affects their development. i think at a certain age it is ok to let them lay learning games but i feel like that is up to the parent. in childcare i don’t think they should be around them. unless it is like a movie day that they only have a couple of times a year. i think it is very important for kids to be out and playing and not being consumed by a devise.

  • Somer

    February 27, 2023 at 3:28 pm

    I think that today we have kids that are taking in far too much screentime, as well as some adults making that screentime unsupervised. For kids that get older, I think giving them that 1-2 hours of screentime at home is all fine. But many kids today are taking in screentime basically all day, and are losing opportunities to learn, communicate and play in ways that are very important. The internet is also very dangerous, so it is concerning to see how many parents fail to supervise what their child is learning.

  • Leslie

    March 5, 2023 at 11:20 pm

    I think it is better to not provide screen time for children while in care. This time is a time for growth and communicating and screens take that away.

  • Payton Aparicio

    March 8, 2023 at 12:57 am

    I would say having screen time in the easier route but the route they should take is to have no screentime at school. Opt for audio stories or music instead.

  • Jasmine Nared

    March 9, 2023 at 3:15 am

    Children learn by interacting with each other and their environment. Screentime takes away from the intellectual ability of conversating with others as well as the provider.

  • Alex

    March 9, 2023 at 5:00 pm

    I believe that screen time is not appropriate for young children, the childcare center that I work for uses screens only for children’s music videos that the kids to dance along to, I think that’s appropriate because the children are engaging with it and it’s only 5 minutes out of a whole day

  • Kaitlyn

    March 10, 2023 at 4:41 am

    I believe that screen time should be limited at all costs in the classroom. In today’s society there is a high chance that children already have screen time at home and having a place to completely separate from that is useful for differentiating home from school and also ensuring that they don’t receive more screen time than is necessary.

  • Jonah

    March 10, 2023 at 5:04 am

    Screen time for young children can be counterproductive, even if the screen content is meant to be educational. This is because passive interaction in place of hands-on interaction deprives them of social development, including exchanging and processing ideas with peers and thinking rationally about the world around them.

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