Forum Replies Created

  • Maribel

    November 22, 2022 at 6:32 am in reply to: Screen time in childcare

    I believe that kids can get “sucked in” to whatever is on a screen. While their attention is focused on the screen, their bodies are still, they are quiet, and they are not actively learning or thinking, and instead passively staring at moving pictures on a screen. I don’t feel that screen time should be forbidden, and on occasion can be a nice way to unwind and have fun, however it should be in moderation and not everyday. It is mostly important that whatever children are exposed to watching be age appropriate, and other activities should be encouraged that doesn’t involve screens.

  • Maribel

    November 22, 2022 at 12:03 am in reply to: Trainer Monitored Discussion -“Serve and Return” in classrooms

    How do you think early learning providers can create a “serve and return” environment in their classrooms?

    By providing many different activities, toys, books etc. that a child can easily access, show interest, and have the caregiver respond to their interests. Turning their attention to what a child is focused on, knowing when a child has switched interests to transition to the next thing, and engaging with the child by talking about what their interested in, explaining what it is, how it tastes, what it sounds like, engaging the senses and building curiosity.

  • Maribel

    November 17, 2022 at 10:58 pm in reply to: What to do when parents are late to pick up their child?

    I would request to have a meeting with the parent so that we may discuss the recent tardiness. I would start off by trying to understand the reasoning (if the parent is willing to go into detail) behind the late pickups, and offer solutions to help the parent pick up at a reasonable time. I would share what the staff has been doing to help ensure that their child is well taken care of, and ask if there is an alternative parent/guardian who is able to pick up the child on days where the parent wouldn’t be able to arrive on time. I would then remind the parent of any policies in place regarding extra incurred fees for late pickups, and let the parent know we are willing to work to help resolve the tardiness.

  • Maribel

    November 17, 2022 at 9:34 pm in reply to: Trainer Monitored Discussion – Diversity and Colloboration
    1. Which WACs address diversity and collaboration with families?
      WAC 110-300-0085 – Family partnerships and communication.
      WAC 110-300-0160 – Promoting acceptance of diversity.

    2. What big messages do the WACs give regarding diversity and collaboration?
      We must be proactive in communicating with all families and be open minded and inclusive with all cultures. We must be creative to ensure everyone feels welcome, heard and included.
  • Hello, I have a question regarding the “Going on a WAC Hunt” activity. The section on the worksheet that says “<b style=”background-color: var(–bb-content-background-color); font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; color: var(–bb-body-text-color);”>What does it say? (Each WAC has a question—copy<b style=”background-color: var(–bb-content-background-color); font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; color: var(–bb-body-text-color);”> <b style=”background-color: var(–bb-content-background-color); font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; color: var(–bb-body-text-color);”>that <b style=”background-color: var(–bb-content-background-color); font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; color: var(–bb-body-text-color);”>question)” is confusing me because I cannot find any questions. I see a lot of information yes, but not questions to copy/paste. Could you please guide me through this section? Thank you!