Trainer Monitored Discussion – Discuss Safety Procedures

  • Christian Pflager

    July 19, 2023 at 8:56 pm

    Sanitation procedures, emergency preparedness, daily schedule, recess rules, and food safety are all points worth hitting in a tour for a prospective parent.

  • abby kolbeck

    July 19, 2023 at 11:35 pm

    If you were giving a prospective parent a tour through your program, what safety procedures would you highlight?

    first thing i would highlight is room sanitation protocols and let them know how safe it is with out food, changing and emergency protocols. As well as injury reports.

  • Casidy Giles

    July 23, 2023 at 8:46 am

    I would showcase where sensitive chemicals are out of reach of children and the 3 step cleaning process we go through to make sure the space is safe and clean for children

  • Veronica

    July 26, 2023 at 6:01 pm

    I would welcome them in and point out safety systems we have in place such as if we have alarms on doors going outside or other exits and where they lead to. I would try and introduce them to any staff I run into while leading them around so they feel as though they can trust the staff they are entrusting their children into.

  • Molly Carden

    July 30, 2023 at 8:31 pm

    /i would give a tour of the classroom while pointing out any exits, health and safety postings in the room, and the safety precautions put in place in the room. I would ask if they have any concerns with safety or hazards outside and let them know how we address those. I would also go over our sick policy.

  • Chadley Baker Hunter

    August 2, 2023 at 8:51 pm

    I would highlight how things are regularly cleaned and with what. I would talk about about how teachers and students are trained in case of emergency.

  • Kenya

    August 3, 2023 at 9:18 pm

    building security, so no one unauthorized can come in and children cant leave without caregiver supervision

    shelves are unable to fall off walls in the event of an earthquake or a child bumping into or pulling on them because theyre secured

    outlets are all covered and inaccessible to children

    cleaning regiments in place

  • Aliaa Gharib

    August 10, 2023 at 1:45 am

    As a teacher giving a parent a tour; i would highlight the classroom its self. . Depending on the classrooms location I would then point out the exit/entrance, bathroom, and the safety precautions we have put into place to keep their child safe.

  • Erin

    August 10, 2023 at 10:26 pm
    • Pin required to get into the building
    • All bleach bottles are labelled appropriately
    • Door alarms on classroom doors
    • Emergency procedures
    • Evacuation routes
  • Leeanna W

    August 11, 2023 at 9:02 pm

    During my tour with prospective parents, the safety procedures I would highlight would be our Name to Face count (where we visually look at the child, say their name aloud, and count them as present) that we complete with every transition (or every two hours, depending on whether we are leaving the classroom or not) and how we do a visual sweep of every area before we leave to ensure that everyone is present as well.

  • Kala Nobles

    August 12, 2023 at 4:39 am

    During a tour of my program, I would highlight the following safety procedures to prospective parents:

    1. Entrance Security

    Explain how access to the facility is controlled, including sign-in and sign-out procedures. Emphasize that only authorized individuals are allowed to enter and pick up children.

    2. Emergency Preparedness

    Discuss the program’s emergency plans, such as fire drills, lockdown procedures, and evacuation routes. Highlight that staff are trained to handle various emergencies effectively.

    3. Health and Hygiene

    Explain the policies for illness prevention and hygiene, including regular handwashing routines, proper diapering procedures, and protocols for managing sick children.

    4. Safe Sleep Practices

    Share information about safe sleep practices for infants, including placing them on their backs and ensuring a safe sleep environment.

    5. Allergen Management

    Detail how the program handles allergies and dietary restrictions, including food handling procedures, communication with parents, and avoiding allergen exposure.

    6. First Aid and CPR

    Mention that staff are trained in first aid and CPR, ensuring they can respond promptly to any medical needs.

    7. Safe Play Areas

    Describe how indoor and outdoor play areas are designed to minimize risks, with age-appropriate equipment, soft surfaces, and secure fencing.

    8. Supervision

    Highlight the importance of staff-to-child ratios to ensure adequate supervision at all times, both indoors and outdoors.

    9. Medication Policies

    Discuss the program’s policy on administering medication, including the procedures for dispensing and documenting medications.

    10. Staff Background Checks

    Explain that all staff members undergo thorough background checks and screening to ensure the safety of the children.

    11. Communication

    Describe how the program maintains open communication with parents through regular updates, incident reports, and opportunities to discuss any concerns.

    12. Cleanliness and Sanitization

    Explain the program’s cleaning routines, including sanitization of toys, surfaces, and areas to maintain a healthy environment.

    13. Safe Transportation

    If applicable, discuss transportation safety procedures, such as proper use of child safety seats and supervision during outings.

    14. Privacy and Security

    Assure parents that their child’s personal information is kept confidential, and that the facility takes privacy and security seriously.

    15. Training and Professional Development

    Highlight that staff undergo ongoing training and professional development to stay updated on best practices and safe procedures.

  • Teqessa Bishop

    August 13, 2023 at 5:56 am

    I would show them the emergency exits, fire alarms, lunch procedures, bathroom policies, cleaning policies.

  • Rey Fairburn

    August 15, 2023 at 10:38 pm

    I would highlight our cleaning procedures and frequent washing of hands, as well as our child-centered environments. They would notice when walking in the security system and the security patrolling the area.

  • Jennifer

    August 16, 2023 at 12:56 am

    I would begin by welcoming the family to the classroom, then give them a tour of the classroom. Depending on the classrooms location I would then point out the exit/entrance, bathroom, and the myriad of safety precautions we have put into place to keep their child safe. For example keeping items out of reach of children, behind closed doors, and locked away such as medication.

  • Tiffany Huber

    August 16, 2023 at 10:36 pm

    i would welcome them into the classroom showing them our emergency exit plans, first aid kid, our safety to go bags and any other safety aspects throughout the classroom while i show them around.

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